6 Tips for new SEO content
1. Use unique content
A SEO text is always unique and is best if copied by others who know it just is not better. Google has declared war to “duplicate content”, so resist the temptation to use prefabricated product descriptions, press releases or one copy to one. Plagiarism is just bad form and is very well recognized and punished, “unique content” provides the user with added value and will be rewarded by Google.
2. Choose the right keyword density
Too high “keyword density” can have a detrimental effect on the ranking. As a reference point densities between 1 to 3% are often recommended.
SEO should be part of your marketing strategy, just like in traditional marketing competitor and customer analysis is crucial to find the appropriate keyword density for a to specific text.
Keyword research and the use of the right keywords are the key to success.
3. Take advantage of the power of Headlines
Part of the success is to find the right headline. The title and the signature of a text, are your moneymakers in Google search results. The title, a clickable link, the signature, the description below. It makes sense to add a “Call-To-Action” encouraging the user to click. The so-called “CTR” (Click Through Rate) is measured by Google and used to assess relevance of a page.
4. Satisfy clients information needs
The length of a text is another important criterion, that should not be neglected. At least 300 words should do the trick in most markets, but look at your competitors. If a higher ranking page has more than 900 words, it might be an indication that your text also should not fall below this number of words. Google wants users to offer the best information, the more information a text has the more the user is satisfied. Pages that satisfy users search for information get rewarded.
You can increase the own target audience with synonyms, of course. Your customers are individuals who have their own ways to search for things. Do not stubbornly insist that a particular keyword appears in a certain frequency. That’s yesterdays SEO.
Even semantically related topics should include good SEO texts. Each audience will use their search terms in context.
5. Strengthen your content
A good SEO text is optimized not only to a particular topic, it should be at the same time also used to strengthen the internal link popularity. Meaningful links to own subpages should the visitor and the search engine provide the opportunity to discover your content treasures. Again, one should not overdo it, even if the Wikipedia is a prime example of an excellent internal linking, so disturbing to many links in the text as well the flow of reading.
6. Spice up your content for the eye
But all the words and information, do not bring one more if the content was prepared not according to a reader-friendly for the web. A good outline of the text with subheads, meaning portions and images and graphics are often tip the scales. Take the chance to win with pictures, more visitors from Google Image Search. Images SEO is often neglected by many site operators wrongly.
SEO texts must be scannable to our eyes, so you can classify them quickly by relevance. So you offer anchor points in the form of thick printed words in the text on which your readers can orient.
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