Nowadays, many progressive corporations are seeking more public relations exposure through social conscious fundraising and charitable contributions. Goals extend beyond the “colored ribbons” or “green products” that garnered public attention in years past. Today, the requirement is to leverage corporate strength and standing to initiate full pledged fundraising efforts generating substantial sums for noteworthy causes. Companies succeeding in this endeavor garner incredible public relations attention and growth opportunities. The problem is how to put these plans into action.
Webdesign Phoenix is helping corporations raise money online through what we call “engaging the masses”. Our product is best served for organizations with large numbers of employees, members, followers and/or supporters who can be incentivized to become fundraisers themselves. With a simple plan in place, large scale companies are able to organize EVERYONE in the organization and get them involved with the fundraising process. You can tap into unlimited circles of influence through unlimited supporters…and it’s easy keeping everyone motivated through rewards programs or fundraising contests.
All of the logistics are handled in and through your Fundraising website with minimal administration required. Your site takes care of communicating with your participants, automated registration processes, fund collection and tabulation, earmarking contributions for specific purposes, fundraising leaders, contest winners, historical successes, automated thank you letters and donation receipts, highlighting future initiatives, appropriately showcasing your programs and charities, contact information, and anything else you may require.
The steps are simple and we’ll help you however you need. Remember, we don’t make money unless your program makes money…we’re always going to be eager to do the things that will help your program succeed:
1. We learn about your program and build you a fully functional, professionally designed, branded website for FREE…and we train you how to use it.
2. We help you communicate your initiatives to all of the people you’d like to get involved. We’ll design posters, flyers, pdf presentations, additional website programming and otherwise to help you achieve peak participation from “the masses”…however you want us to.
3. Fundraising participants log in and set up their own pages complete with personalized messages, photos, donation collection and tracking mechanisms, personalized thank you letters, and data collection.
4. Participants contact their friends, family, and others through email, social media or otherwise and direct them to their personal pages for support through charitable contributions.
5. Online donations are directed to your organization’s private account for disbursement however you see fit. Monies can be earmarked for specific purposes or left to your discretion.
6. Leaderboards and real-time tracking allow for incentive programs, rewards, and contests among participants. Historical tabulations and newsworthy events are easily transitioned into public relations opportunities.
7. On an ongoing basis, you can let us know what you need to help your program grow…we’ll likely build it for Free!