Customer Account Management
Quick Summary:
- Manage customer profiles and accounts
- Allow clients to view order history, tracking, and delivery dates
- Customers can manage their own account information
- Mass upload and export registered client information
- Offer pricing and promotions to select customer groups
- Brand loyalty, better user experience, and more business
“Help Yourself” customer service
Your e-commerce website can provide most customer account and order  information, resolving most of the questions your clients are likely to have. Assuming your company aims for repeat business and intends to offer your clients the best possible user experience, these features warrant consideration.
• Customer account setup and secure storage of vital data
• Front end account management for all registered clients
• Front end or back end registration with manual or automatic approvals
• Front and back end order tracking including tracking numbers and ship dates
• Customer grouping and custom pricing or promotion programs
• Activity tracking, transaction logs, and preferred products both viewed and purchased
• Recommended products
• Mass upload and export of customer profile information
• Special offers, shipping policies, and other for select customer groups
Strong customer profile and account systems, implemented appropriately, allow for improved shopping experience, customer loyalty, increased automation and scalability, and greater customer satisfaction.